Well…the emergency room wasn’t exactly where we thought we’d start our weekend, but misadventure is our middle name! Right off the bat, I want to say that everyone is fine. It really wasn’t THAT big of a deal. But in boating, everything turns into a big deal. There’s added complications and things to think through.…

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24 Hours of Bad Ideas owning a boat

Brent and I’ve had some REALLY bad ideas throughout the course of our marriage. If you need some recent examples check out Montana Misadventure or The Time I Jumped Out of an Airplane. But I’m going to go out on a limb and say that a couple of ideas we came up with in the first…

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I’m a girl that thrives on adventure. Give me a new opportunity or an exciting experience and I’m all in. That being said, no one would ever describe me as a risk-taker. It’s laughable to even think about. But then- there’s that time I jumped out of an airplane. Yep, that’s right. I jumped out…

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