Avoiding Disaster on Your RV Trip content provided by Mom With a Map staff writer With airline prices soaring, many families will take to the road this summer. The RV industry is booming. However, travelling in an RV isn’t always smooth sailing. Many RV owners experience problems at some point. Here are a few tips…

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Across thousands of miles, our family has experienced quite a few road trip adventures. So let me be clear, it takes A LOT for me to deem one experience our “craziest road trip adventure.” But I *think* our latest drive takes the cake! First, if you haven’t read my last post about our summer vacation, take a second…

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I guess you could say I’ve trained them well. I wasn’t sure, but this past weekend made it crystal clear. My kids choose adventure, always. A few weeks ago we realized we had the unicorn of all calendar moments…a 3-day weekend with absolutely zero plans. I cannot even convey how rare this was to find…

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10,000 miles. If I only take into consideration road trips, that’s a pretty accurate number representing how many miles we traveled by car this summer. Crazy, huh? But want to know something even crazier? If you ask my kids if we spent a lot of time in the car, they would both say “NO!” (Trust…

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We are now almost one full week into our big summer road trip. If you missed my first update, you can go back and read it here. Of all the states we’re planning to visit on this trip, Texas was one of the ones I was most excited about. Obviously my expectations were pretty high when…

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