Cricket Catches The Travel Bug
Mom With A Map is excited to introduce our newest member. Meet Cricket the Travel Bug.
Along with Morgan James Publishing, Mom With A Map is launching a new travel series for children.
The first book, Cricket Catches the Travel Bug, gives an introduction to the silly little travel bug, Cricket. Young readers join her as she learns all about travel, including her first flight aboard an airplane. She’s amazed at how high these machines can fly―much higher than her own wings! Kids explore a big city with Cricket and her family and love learning all about travel through a bug’s eyes!
Cricket Catches The Travel Bug released in March 2020. You can purchase your copy today using one of these retail links:
Check back soon for more exciting announcements: joining the launch team, more retailer information, and book signing dates.
In the meantime, get to know more about the author and Mom With A Map family.
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