It’s the start of a new year, 2019.
There’s one thought that keeps running through my mind- it’s been a while since I’ve interviewed for a job. That may seem like an odd place to start my New Year’s Resolutions post, but stick with me.
Anyway, back in the day one of the popular interview questions involved the interviewer asking a question about strengths and weaknesses. I distinctly remember prepping answers to those questions. And, naturally, I’d pick very weak weaknesses that could really be seen as a positive.
But if I’m being honest here, I have some pretty big weaknesses.
Although I didn’t post about it, at the start of 2018 I prayed that God would work on some of those weaknesses. Here’s a free tip: be careful what you pray for!
I have never been known for my spontaneity. There’s no doubt that I’m one of the least flexible people on the planet. And, my patience is minimal- at best, on a good day. But I prayed, and God showed up!

Through our 2018 travel, God stretched and grew me far beyond what I could ever imagine possible. Just to give a few quick examples in case you’re feeling in the dark: the dates and itinerary for our massive cross-country trip changed right up until the minute we left. In fact, we even had to make a few adjustments while we were on the road.
We also had two different hurricanes adjust travel plans, and we had to cancel another planned trip to accommodate the one that kept getting moved around. Additionally, I planned one of the most grandiose bucket list trips EVER- in less than a month.
These are just a few big examples. But really, I could go on and on with all the little details of how God stretched my spontaneity, flexibility and patience in 2018.
So to summarize: 2018 felt a bit chaotic. At times I felt like we were playing catch-up. We were much more reactive than proactive.
Don’t get me wrong, we were ridiculously blessed and we loved each and every second of the last year. But the sheer volume of opportunities thrown our way left very little room for intentionality.

Which (finally) brings me to 2019…my resolution for this year is INTENTIONALITY.
Of course, that resolution covers a massive variety of focus areas. For example: I plan to be intentional about my sleep (and yes, this is my FIRST priority in 2019…I got far too little rest in ’18!) Our family will be intentional with our travel plans, our time, our budget, our meal plans and our friendships. Additionally, Mom With A Map will be (even more) intentional with our partnerships and content.
I’m excited to focus on planning versus reacting!

I have no doubt that 2019 will be the best year yet for Mom With A Map (which is saying a lot given how spectacular the past few years have been!) In addition to some fun travel, we’re working on a major project that I can’t quite talk about yet. But don’t worry, I’m horrible at keeping secrets so I will spill the beans as soon as possible. Look for that announcement coming soon!
Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and is off to a great start in the new year.
What is your 2019 New Year’s Resolution?
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