Vacation Spots for Older Kids content provided by Mom With a Map staff writer Kids don’t stay little forever! They grow up, get moody with you, start talking back, and want to be as independent as possible. As a parent, it can be hard to reconcile that with your usual trips to Disneyland or camping…

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Planning a Surprise content provided by Mom With a Map staff writer When we are young, we assume that receiving gifts is the most enjoyable experience of all. Who hasn’t lost sleep waiting for their birthday or other special event to receive the fun gift they had asked for, however modest? However, as we get…

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Continental Food Recipes content provided by Mom With a Map staff writer Exploring international food recipes can be a culinary experience you will never forget. It is an exciting and wonderful way to discover new tastes and preferences. While countless eating spots can offer these delicacies, visiting them regularly might not be easy on your…

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Disclaimer: This post turned into wordy family life updates. If you’re here hoping to find tips or inspiration for boating, traveling, parenting or cooking…you may want to skip this one! (Actually, if you’re looking for parenting or cooking tips- you’re probably on the wrong blog altogether.) I always feel bad when people ask me ‘are…

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Take the Stress Out content provided by Mom With a Map staff writer Traveling with kids in tow is notoriously stressful. We’ve all heard the horror stories parents like to share after a particularly challenging family vacation. But does traveling with kids always need to be super stressful? Is there a way to make family…

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Admittedly, this post started out as a quick social media post about our Gulf crossing. When I ran out of characters, I realized it probably deserved it’s own blog update. I’m cringing because I haven’t posted about our trip down the rivers yet, which means this post comes chronologically out of order. But I’m going…

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Extended Hotel Stay content provided by Mom With a Map staff writer When it comes to finding the perfect family hotel to stay in, everything needs to be just right. Even if it’s just for a weekend, everything from the pillows to the hotel breakfast needs to count. Now, while these factors are super important,…

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I didn’t plan to like Huntsville. We chose it as our hurricane-season destination for several reasons, none of which had to do with the city itself. However, it didn’t take long for us to realize it’s a hidden gem on the Tennessee River. I’m not kidding when I report that Huntsville is one of the…

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Guilt-Free Travel content provided by Mom With a Map staff writer A lot of us like to travel all over the world, and many of us are also keen to make sure that it is as enjoyable as possible. At the same time, you might well have a desire to travel with as little guilt…

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