I couldn’t decide which was a more appropriate title- The Best of Boston or Boston’s The Best. As a writer, I love a good alliteration (self-proclaimed dork, right here!) And when I think of Boston, the word “best” is truly the first thing that comes to mind.

Yesterday, I wrote about my daughter’s struggle with writing about her two favorite vacation spots. Boston was one of the places we discussed for the essay. Although she ultimately didn’t write about Boston- the topic got me thinking. The week we spent in Boston last summer produced some of the most amazing memories. Not only that, we learned a lot too.
I also realized that although I highlighted several amazing Boston activities in my sponsored posts, I never really shared a complete overview of the city. Narrowing down this list to the best of Boston is a HUGE struggle. We spent a week in the area, but could have easily spent 3- there is so much for families to enjoy!

Nevertheless, here are my picks for the best things to do in Boston:
- Freedom Trail
- Boston Public Garden- specifically the Swan Boats and Make Way For Ducklings Sculpture
- Museum of Science
- New England Aquarium
- Fenway Park– Red Sox Game
- Quincy Market (highlighted as a stop on the Freedom Trail although it’s not actually a part of it!)
- JFK Presidential Library
- Boston Children’s Museum
- The World’s Only Curious George Store *This store has sadly, closed.
- Boston Duck Boat Tour
As I mentioned, narrowing down this list proved to be extremely difficult because of everything Boston has to offer! I will admit, I sort of cheated by combining about 10 more places in the Freedom Trail category. If you click the link you’ll find suggestions of the places to stop with kids on the Freedom Trail and some added tips- like taking the water taxi!

Here are a few more bonus “Best of Boston” tips:
- Plymouth Rock is a very short drive outside the city. If you love history and/or small town charm- you’ll want to make a point of stopping by this landmark town.
- Cape Cod is a further drive, but TOTALLY worth it during the summer months! We loved exploring the National Seashore.
- Be sure to order your copy of the National Parks Passport Book prior to visiting this area. There are several places in Boston to stamp your book.
- My two favorite Boston hotels are Loews Hotel and Copley Plaza Hotel. Both are fabulous! And though fancy, they pay special attention to cater to families. As an added bonus, the Copley Plaza Hotel has a hotel dog. My kids fell in love and want all hotels to have dogs from now on!
- Parking in the city is not cheap. However, the public transportation is super easy. In addition, the city is very walkable. Although I thought I’d rely on Uber a lot, I only used it once to get to Cambridge.
- I spent the better part of the week walking around Boston by myself with 2 kids while my husband worked. Safety is always my first concern, but I can honestly say I NEVER felt uncomfortable.

Just typing all of this has me ready to go back. I mean it when I say- Boston is the best!
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*This post contains sponsored links. Mom With A Map has been compensated for visiting some of these locations; however, the opinions are all my own.*